Monday, December 13, 2010

Have a nice day : Always learn compromises...

Always learn compromises...

Because its better to bend slightly, rather 2 break the relation forever !


Optimistic approuch: The happiest people dont have EVERYTHING in life..

The happiest people dont have EVERYTHING in life They just make
The Best of everything that life brings their way Wishing U A
Happy Life

Nice thought: Very True Thought

Very True Thought:
"Victory is always at our feet.
But the problem is that we are lazy to bend! HAVE A NICE DAY

Lovlely message: Make a friend it is a Gift!

Make a friend it is a Gift!

Have a friend it is a Grace!

Keep a friend it is a Virtue but be a good friend it is an honor !

Good mng G !

Positive attitude: If your eyes are positive you would like all..

If your eyes are positive you would like all the people in the world.GOODMORNING

Motivate life: Life is too short. Grudges are a waste of perfect happiness

Life is too short. Grudges are a waste of perfect happiness
laugh when you can, apologize when you should and LET GO of what you
can't change.
This is the perfect way of living life.:-)
Good morning

Optimistic line: Being sad with the right people is better than

Being sad with the right people is better than being happy with the
wrong ones
And if u r happy with the right people then

Mauja Hi Mauja

Motivational line : Yr life today is d result of ur attitudes & choices in d past Ur life tomorow will b result of ur attitudes & d choices u make today Use ur 2day wisely.HAVE A NICE DAY.

Your life today is d result of ur attitudes & choices in d past
Ur life tomorow will b result of ur attitudes & d choices u make today
Use ur 2day wisely.HAVE A NICE DAY.

Lovely lines : The Stone is Broken by the Last Stroke,That doesn't mean that First Stroke was

The Stone is Broken by the Last Stroke,That doesn't mean that First
Stroke was Useless.Success is the Result of Continuous Daily
Efforts.Hv a joyfull day.GOODMORNING

Optimistic line : The PESSIMIST complains about Wind.

The PESSIMIST complains about
Wind...The OPTIMIST expects it to
Change...The REALIST adjusts the

Nice lines: Living in the favourable and unfavourable situation is called

Living in the favourable and unfavourable situation is called


But smiling in all those situations is called


Good mng dear !

अंडे का चिल्ला (Fluffy egg omelette chilla )

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